Driven Grout Pile
The Driven Grout pile has already received vast approval in the deep foundation marketplace. It offers many advantages over conventional pile driving methods.
- It produces no spoils, greatly reducing cost and clean up time, which is very significant when contaminated soils are encountered.
- Since it is a driven pile, it gives the blow count assurance of a driven pile, yet vibration and noise are greatly reduced.
- Being a concrete pile, it is resistant to corrosive conditions. There is very little material wasted as opposed to an augercast pile.
- The Driven Grout pile is one of the least expensive forms of foundation piling. A 14″ diameter Driven Grout pile, under the right soil conditions, often exceeds the load carrying capacity of steel or augercast pile of greater dimensions.
View the Driven Grout brochure (PDF, 630KB)
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